Dear Fellow Rotarians of District 6920,
Governor Elect Heather Kellen has asked me to Chair the Rotary Friendship Exchange Committee for this upcoming Rotary year.
Rotary.org states “Rotary Friendship Exchange is an international exchange program for Rotary members and friends that allow participants to take turns hosting one another in their homes and Clubs. The benefits of an exchange:
-Broaden international understanding
-Explore a profession or job in a different country
-Build enduring friendships
-Establish a foundation for peace and service
-Gain opportunities for active project involvement and support
-Learn about a region’s people, food, languages, customs, and history
-Find partners for grants”
And I will add, this will be a lot of fun!!!
So, we have sought for partners in an exchange, and we are delighted to announce that we partnering with Rotary District 4895, which is based in Buenos Aires, Argentina!
This District has a lot of experience with these Exchanges, hosting Districts from other Latin American, European, and North American countries. And they are very excited about hosting 6920!!!
We will be traveling to Buenos Aires on March 19, or 20, 2023, depending on best prices for flights… Delta non stop leaves Atlanta at 8pm and arrives the next morning in Buenos Aires. And as of this writing, the best prices appear to be for a March 19 departure.
We will return on March 30, 2022.
And then, we will host the representatives from Buenos Aires from April 20 to 30, 2023.
If you are interested in traveling to Buenos Aires for this exciting adventure, please see the attached a brochure and application in this email. We ask you to fill out the application and return to me as soon as possible.
We have set a deadline of September 9, 2022, for receiving applications, but I encourage you to send these early, if you can… We must, by necessity, limit the group to 10 travelers, and I think the spots will go quickly!
Each traveler will be responsible for their own airfare (Current round trip on Delta is approximately $1150,) and incidentals while traveling. Our meals and lodging (in the homes of Rotarians) will mostly be covered by our hosts.
Although only a limited number will be able to actually travel for this Exchange, I hope that many of you will support those who travel, and also be willing to help us host the Rotarians from Argentina when they come next April.
Mark Twain is famously quoted:
“Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts…”
But he had never met a Rotarian!!! Let’s be a part of “Imagining” the difference we can make by fostering understanding and friendship across national boundaries.
Please email me your applications at 10kdiver@gmail.com
In Service above Self,
George Peake
Rotary Club of Perry Past President
Chairman, District 6920 Friendship Exchange
478 972 2971