April 24-27, 2025
2025 Georgia District Conference – Jekyll Island, GA
All 3 Georgia Districts United to Celebrate and Serve

Top priorities in District 6920
District Membership
GOAL 3,000 Total Members
July 1, 2022: 2904 (2768 Rotarians, 136 Rotaractors)
Current: 2918 (2810 Rotarians, 108 Rotaractors)
Increase of 42 Rotarians, Loss of 28 Rotaractors)
27.76% Female (Up from 26% at District Assembly) GOAL 30%
Polio Plus Society

Polio Plus Society
We are so close to eradicating Polio worldwide. We are in that last push to finish what we started and keep our promise to the world. Being a member of the Polio Plus Society means a commitment to help Rotary finish this race. With a donation to Polio Plus of $100 Rotarians will receive a recognition certificate and a limited-edition US minted Polio $1 dollar coin. This will be unique to our District.
This coin was minted in 2019 state of Pennsylvania honoring the discovery of the polio vaccine in 1953 by Dr. Jonas Salk and his team. In 1947, the University of Pittsburgh hired Dr. Jonas Salk to develop the polio vaccine.

District 6920
Literacy Initiative
Basic Education and Literacy is one of the District‘s areas of focus. In 2020-2021, a majority (23 of the 42) of the club projects receiving District Grant funds were in the Basic Education and Literacy focus area. The projects represent a total commitment of $89,777.05 in money but are unmeasurable in the commitment of time and effort, and priceless in the lifelong impact they have on the lives of the young — our future.
District 6920 News and Events
(Rotary + USAID) x mBots = a tech-savvy future for Serbian students
(Rotary + USAID) x mBots = a tech-savvy future for Serbian students Since 2000, more than 30 Rotary Clubs from D6920 partnered with D2483 in Serbia and completed 10 GG projects. St Simons Rotary Club was the primary international sponsor club for the first MBot robot...
St. Simons Rotary Presentation: Sustainable Peace in Caucasus with support from the Rotary Foundation
Rotary Club of St. Simons Island Dec. 17, 2024 Click Here to view Presentation Rotarian Bahram Atabeyli, president of Baku International Rotary Club spoke to Rotary Club of St. Simons Island about efforts to achieve sustainable peace in the Caucasus region; and...
Rotary trip to Georgia – Vladimir Matic
You can change lives with your gift
Through the generosity of people like you, our work has made a difference in the lives of millions around the world. Your gift to The Rotary Foundation allows us to improve communities by promoting peace, preventing disease, bolstering economic development, and providing clean water and sanitation.
Annual Fund Giving
Polio Giving
Our Clubs